When you’re looking for the right drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, you may be overwhelmed and confused about all of the information that’s out there. There are thousands of rehabs throughout the United States, and each one offers different programs, and it’s important that you find the one that’s right for you.
When you’re ready to get clean, you shouldn’t have to worry about all of the information and options out there. Instead, you need to start taking the necessary steps to talk to people who will help guide you along the right path.
An addiction specialist is like a doctor or therapy, but this individual will understand the ins and outs of addiction and addiction treatment options. Addiction specialists will do a full assessment of your situation, and this often includes the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria. This criteria was created to gauge the severity of a person’s addiction so the addiction specialist can place the individual in the right type of facility. This assessment will determine if you need to go to detox, inpatient or outpatient treatment, and the specialist may also talk to you about a partial hospitalization program for addiction.
Detox is the highest level of care for anyone trying to overcome the disease of addiction. With most drugs and alcohol, there can be severe withdrawal symptoms, and these symptoms can cause a variety of health issues. Depending on your dependence to your substance of choice, the detox may only get you through the initial stages of withdrawal, but a partial hospitalization program is there to continue giving you care. Not only can symptoms of withdrawal last for weeks when you’ve been abusing alcohol or drugs like opiates, but you also have to worry about post-acute withdrawal syndrome, and this is why a partial hospitalization program can help you.
By going into a partial hospitalization program, you’ll be cleared to begin therapy and addiction treatment at the rehab, but you’ll also get the medical care you need. This can be beneficial for anyone who is taking detox medications like Suboxone, which should gradually be tapered off over time. The partial hospitalization program can also help anyone who has pre-existing illnesses that must be treated while you’re going through rehab.
As you probably know, the sheer amount of information about rehabs with a partial hospitalization program, detox, inpatient and outpatient can be overwhelming, so let us help. Freedom From Addiction can point you toward an addiction treatment options that are right for you. Call us at 1 844 HELP NOW.
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