Marijuana is the most abused substance next to alcohol. Many states started legalizing the drug because it has shown to help with certain medicinal purposes, such as people who have a loss of appetite while going through chemotherapy. Unfortunately, like many other medicinal drugs out there, marijuana can become addictive and cause a person's life to become unmanageable.
The actual drug in marijuana is called Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC. Marijuana concentrates are a highly potent version of THC. Marijuana concentrates are best understood if you relate them to alcohol. Beer and wine have low percentages of alcohol, but liquor can have much higher concentrations of alcohol. Marijuana concentrates have THC levels that can vary from anywhere between 40 and 80%. To put it into perspective, THC levels in a marijuana cigarette is typically only around 20% or so.
People who are abusing the concentrates often put them in foods or some type of drink. The remains from the concentrates can also be smoked, and many people like to ingest the concentrates from water or oil pipes. In this day and age, more and more people are using e-cigarettes to smoke tobacco, but people have been learning how to use the oil from these concentrates in the same devices. This gives the user a much stronger high, and they can be more discreet because the smell is much less obvious.
The abuse of marijuana can cause people's lives to become unmanageable when they become dependent. Some of the common side effects of THC can include paranoia, anxiety, panic attacks and hallucinations. Although nobody has overdosed from this type of drug, the body has the same types of reactions that individuals would have when they're addicted to just about any other substance, which is when an addiction treatment center is the best resource to use. If you're struggling with an addiction to these types of concentrates, going to an addiction treatment center will allow you to figure out why you've been abusing the drug. This may be difficult at first, but addiction treatment is there to give you a new design for living. By the time you finish addiction treatment, you'll begin to realize that you can handle life's situations in a much healthier way, and Freedom From Addiction wants to be there to help you find the treatment facility that best suits your needs. Call us.
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